
High Life / A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS : Video Library Grant Goes to Tustin High

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Tustin High School has recently received a mini-grant of $750 for its MM-TV (Meaningful Media-Television) Career Video Library Expansion Project from the California Career Education Assn.

CCEA offers up to 10 mini-grants each year to schools, colleges, county offices of education and nonprofit agencies in an effort to promote career education in the state.

According to Barbara Murrieta, Tustin High’s career guidance technician and project coordinator, the grant will be used to expand the school’s library through the purchase of additional career videotapes to aid in career decisions.


A recent Gallup survey asked teen-agers, “Do you think the following types of people would be very effective in warning students against the harmful effects of drugs?” Here’s what percentage of them answered yes as reported in November’s issue of NEA Today, the newspaper of the National Education Assn.:

* Former drug addicts (71%).

* Sports figures (55%).

* Rock stars (47%).

* Physicians (33%).

* Police officers (32%).

* Ministers, priests or rabbis (24%).

* Scientists (22%).

* Members of Congress (16%).

* Teachers (16%).
