
Angel Fans Happy, but Dazzled by Dollars

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Mark Langston’s signing was cheered by fans, but even they pondered the economic implications.

“As long as (Yankee owner George) Steinbrenner says he’ll top anybody’s deal, these guys are going to keep getting it,” said Hal Hammonds, who tends bar at The Catch Restaurant across the street from Anaheim Stadium.

“The spiral can’t keep going up because pretty soon we can’t afford to go to ballgames,” said Hammonds, who attended 40 games last season. “Only the ultra-rich will be able to afford it.”


Lawrence Fick, a member of the Angels Booster Club, was enthused by the news of landing Langston, though he wondered whom it would bump out of one of baseball’s strongest starting rotations.

Fick also was startled at the size of Langston’s paycheck.

“Sometimes these players get too much money, but if they can make it, I guess you call it supply and demand,” Fick said.

Nevertheless, Fick said there is nothing wrong with being paid $16 million “if somebody is foolish enough to pay it.”


“Boy, I’d love to make that kind of money.”
