
Portrayal of Fur Trapping

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A recent episode of “L.A. Law” featured Jimmy Smits’ character representing a furrier who was suing an animal-activist group over the activists’ militant vandalism against his business. The show was slanted. To give only two of many examples:

A man whose livelihood depends on trapping held up an outdated trap, one that has been phased out in 99% of the country.

The trapper claimed his traps were checked weekly. Local, state and federal law require checking traps daily, or a trapper could lose his license.


How could a respected program such as “L.A. Law” present such a slant against an industry so rooted in our American heritage? When will urban Hollywood learn that we must utilize all of our natural resources instead of polluting our planet with synthetics? And that “humane” is a way to treat our fellow man.

God-given animals are on our planet to be dealt with in respect and to utilize within nature.


Los Angeles
