
Plan to Curtail In-Flight Newscasts Defended


Re Howard Rosenberg’s Dec. 18 column, “CNN, American Airlines: All the News That Fits,” in which he criticized a proposed agreement that major air disasters not be reported during in-flight newscasts purchased from Cable News Network:

Rosenberg, along with almost every other journalist in America, is paranoid about censorship. If American Airlines does not want to buy a product, it does not have to. If I choose to not attend a showing of “Batman” I don’t have to. Neither is censorship.

Censorship is when the police power of the state is used to keep its citizens from hearing or reading certain things judged by the authorities to not be in the authorities’ best interest.


Censorship is when American Airlines stops Rosenberg from getting published, not when American Airlines picks and chooses what products to buy.


Santa Ana
