
U.S. Forces Invade Panama, Oust Noriega Regime

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When is it going to end? I was facing the Christmas season and new year with joy over the fact that imperialism was in retreat around the world, particularly in Eastern Europe. Now I am in despair over what seems to be a never-ending story of U.S. military involvement in Central America.

Bush was faced with 10 years of unsuccessful war in Nicaragua. The billions poured into the repressive government of El Salvador haven’t bought a defeat of the FMLN. And even more recently three days of abusive questioning of the woman who witnessed the slaying of the priests failed to sway her testimony. Bush’s wimp image needed bolstering now.

How can we face the international community? By what moral authority can we decry the massacres in China or Romania when innocent lives are being wasted in Central America? How can we laud the end to imperialism in Eastern Europe when we are unwilling to end our own imperialism? Will anyone believe the justification of our military action in Panama on grounds of the “war against drugs” when there is ample evidence that the CIA actually instigated the Panama drug connection?


Today, I am ashamed that we the American public believed George Bush when he said that he was going to bring about a kinder and more gentle nation. American boys too young to buy a beer are dying while believing in their President, Panamanian boys are dying in defense of their country, and innocent civilians are being caught in the cross-fire. Where is the kindness and gentleness in that?


Yorba Linda
