
Romania: Death of a Dictator : Immigrant, Relief Groups Prepare Medical Shipment for Romania

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A Romanian immigrant organization in Los Angeles County and a Santa Barbara-based medical relief group are preparing a $250,000 aid package to be sent to Bucharest this week, an official of Direct Relief International said Tuesday.

While casualties from the fighting in Romania remain unknown, reports of those requiring medical treatment are reaching into the hundreds of thousands, said Jean Hay, spokeswoman for the group.

With news of the reopening of the airport in Bucharest on Tuesday, the Santa Barbara group is hurrying to ready its first shipment of medical supplies, Hay said.


Antiseptics, anesthetic, bandages, sutures and other pharmaceutical equipment will be then flown to Romania via Frankfurt, West Germany, she said. A Yugoslav airline has agreed to provide free transportation, she said.

Arrangements to ship the cargo were made by the Romanian Relief Society in the City of Commerce, officials said. It is continuing to request financial support from the public.

In March, 1977, the two groups delivered 1,000 pounds of pharmaceutical materials to Red Cross workers in Romania, Hay said. Most of the supplies to be shipped out this week are expected to be distributed by volunteer church workers, she said.


“We are absolutely swamped,” Hay added. “We’re trying to take care of Panama too.” For information: (805) 687-3694.
