
Casting of Asians

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Regarding Calendar’s article about the road show of “The King and I” (Nov. 26):

As an advocacy organization interested in the balanced and realistic portrayals of Asian/Pacific Americans in the media, we want to voice our dissent and concern over the casting choices for the show. To use no Asians as principals is unjust and anachronistic, especially when “The King and I” is a musical so obviously based on Asian themes.

Granted Rudolf Nureyev is one of the greatest dancers of the 20th Century, with the power and presence to portray the King magnificently. However, there are many talented Asian-American performers who could have been cast for the principal leads.

In this era of heightened social awareness, it is as unacceptable to use actors playing in “yellowface” as it is to have Caucasians play in “blackface.” The producer of the show, Manny Kladitis, should have been more sensitive to the Asian-American audience, and also should have considered the fact that he has insulted the intelligence of the general public.



Director of Advocacy

Assn. of Asian/Pacific

American Artists

Los Angeles
