
Noriega News Warms Hearts in Congress

From Associated Press

Members of Congress exulted Wednesday night over the surrender of deposed Panamanian dictator Manuel A. Noriega to U.S. authorities.

“The international snake Noriega has finally been put in his cage,” said Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.)

“Noriega will finally have his day in court, which is more than he gave the people of Panama,” commented the Republican leader in the Senate, Bob Dole of Kansas. “Noriega’s bad news is good news for our war on drugs. It proves America won’t give up or cave in to anyone, no matter how powerful or corrupt.”


“All Americans rejoice that the United States armed forces have brought this indicted drug-running thug to justice,” said Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.).

Rep. Jim Courter (R-N.J.) said his major concern was now: “The world’s eyes are on us. We have to afford him any protection under the Constitution.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he is certain Noriega will receive the same fair trial that any individual would get and: “The arrest of Gen. Noriega removes the last impediment to the Endara government’s ability to be a functional and viable entity in Panama.”
