
Group Scored on Sign Decisions


In your article on the Hollywood sign trust fund (Times, Dec. 28), Larry Kaplan, the Hollywood chamber executive director, stated in defense of the chamber’s unwillingness to share in the management of the trust, “The thing people should remember is that if it weren’t for this organization, that sign would still say ‘Holywod,’ if it even existed at all.”

That, Mr. Kaplan, is exactly the point. The chamber, with approval from the Department of Parks and Recreation, rebuilt the sign in our back yard without any discussion with our community and then proceeded to leave us with all the problems resulting. Those include the yahoos intent on defacing and vandalizing the sign, people who trespass on private property to get to it, tourists who wander in our streets trying to get close to it and every other conceivable act that works to the detriment of our neighborhood. Could there possibly be a better reason for us to be given the opportunity to have a say in the solving of the problems that this structure has created?


Hollywood Sign Committee Hollywoodland Homeowners Assn.
