
Dietrich Redux


The Video: Paula Abdul’s “Opposites Attract” from the “Forever Your Girl” album, Virgin Records.

The Set-Up: Erstwhile Laker Girl Abdul meets “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” in this skit, as she frolics with Kat, the animated cartoon feline, in cheek-to-cheek (upper and lower) dances.

The Threads: For openers, Abdul struts atop a ramshackle urban structure. What the impeccably dressed, multimillionairess-type she plays is doing there, the gods only know. Her outfit is a tight (natch), backless black mini dress. Black is the look of choice among the nation’s hip these days, especially when not attending funerals. In her highlighted hoofing routine with Kat, she sports a dark, man’s suit, a wonderful Marlene Dietrich homage. Kat, the cool dude, wears blue jeans, high tops and snappy suspenders over a tank top.

The Labels: Stylist Derric Lowe shunned the big designers in this clip. “We wanted to see a great look without using them,” he said. Her masculine suit could pass for a high-ticket item, but Lowe explained, “we got the suit from American Rag, a Los Angeles secondhand store.”
