
Ex-President of Ashton-Tate to Head New Firm


Luther J. Nussbaum, who quit his job as president of troubled software vendor Ashton-Tate last July, has resurfaced as chairman and chief executive of an unusual new company that is acquiring computer networking firms around the country.

Evernet Systems, a Los Angeles firm whose formal debut will be announced Monday, aims to forge a national company for the installation and maintenance of so-called local and wide area networks, which are increasingly used by businesses to link personal computers and related equipment.

Backed by $5 million in venture capital, Evernet is buying small local computer service firms--known as value-added resellers (VARs)--that specialize in local area networks, offering them a small amount of cash and a larger amount of Evernet stock. The companies then become the local office for Evernet.


Evernet expects to buy 10-15 companies during the next year, each with revenues in the $3-million to $10-million range, and then continue its growth through internal expansion before going public in several years. It is also opening an Orange County office, which Nussbaum said will serve as a trial run in opening new branches from scratch.
