
Ethnic Districts


I am not in favor of redistricting to create a Hispanic district. My father was born in Mexico, so I guess that makes me Hispanic. Why then, would I not favor a Hispanic district?

We’re all human beings first. Then we are fathers, sons, brothers, etc. Then somewhere way down the line, we are Hispanics, Anglos, blacks, etc. I don’t believe in stressing our differences or our separateness from each other. When African children are starving, we should care. When Chinese students are massacred, we should care. Beyond caring, we should act. Believe it or not, we’re all in it together. The toe doesn’t know the ear exists, but when either hurts, the whole body knows it.

The Board of Supervisors was created to govern the County of Los Angeles. I find it hard to believe that Supervisor Pete Schabarum could select a group of people, say Anglos, and do a good job for them, and not do a good job for Asians or other people in his district. The logic is absurd, yet that is the logic behind redistricting. Having a Hispanic supervisor may be good or bad. That depends on the integrity and quality of the person, not on his ethnic background.


It would suit me fine if at the next election we gave each candidate a number, put him in an empty room for eight hours and had him write his position on important matters such as pollution, education and taxation. Then not knowing the candidate’s identity, we voted for a number. Think of all the money candidates would save in making television commercials that tell us nothing.


