
ANAHEIM : Officials on Annual Trip to Washington


Six city officials have embarked on an annual trip to Washington in hopes of winning federal financial support for the city’s anti-drug programs and a study of its proposed people-mover system.

The delegation, which left Wednesday and is to return Sunday, is presenting an agenda that reflects the issues that Mayor Fred Hunter recognizes as the most important facing the city.

Hunter was joined in Washington by Council members William D. Ehrle and Irv Pickler and their wives; City Manager Bob Simpson; City Treasurer Mary Turner, and Kris Thalman, city inter-governmental relations manager.


According to an agenda from the city treasurer’s office, delegates will meet with White House officials twice to discuss drug policy and will meet with a representative of the Urban Mass Transit Agency about the people-mover.

In addition, the schedule calls for informal meetings with California’s senators, Democrat Alan Cranston and Republican Pete Wilson, and with Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton).

Air fares and hotel accommodations for the city officials, but not their spouses, will amount to about $5,000, and will be paid by the city along with related expenses.

City spokeswoman Barbara Burke said that Anaheim officials have conducted such excursions for about 10 years and that they have usually led to success in obtaining federal funds.

She said it is difficult to see an immediate financial impact from the trip because of the slow nature of the political process.

“Sometimes it may take a year to see the results,” she said.
