
Salary Offer for Tustin Teachers


You, along with the citizens of the Tustin Unified School District, are probably asking why we, the teachers of Tustin Unified School District, are not happy with the current salary offer. Very simply, 12 years ago we were paid comparatively with teachers of other school districts. Today we are among the lowest paid teachers in the county. What is being offered us is a salary increase to maintain that low pay status (even though the district is fifth in daily attendance revenue among unified districts in Orange County).

What we want is to be paid comparatively with other teachers of Orange County.

For years, other districts put teachers’ economic needs first instead of last. Tustin has essentially put teachers’ needs last in the budget process. Over the past decade, the loss each year has accumulated to put Tustin teachers at least 20% behind. Teachers cannot afford to be patient any longer. The penalty for teaching in Tustin currently ranges from $6,000 to $13,000 annually. Teachers wishing to retire will lose $300 per month for the rest of their lives.

Until the philosophy changes, the best teachers will not come to Tustin; nor will they stay very long.



President, Tustin Educators Assn.
