
Tien’s Resignation as UCI Vice Chancellor


Tien, we hardly knew you! No sooner did Dr. Chang-Lin Tien arrive at UCI as our executive vice chancellor (1 1/2 years ago) than he will be leaving to become chancellor at UC Berkeley.

I do not expect Dr. Tien to say no to Berkeley’s invitation, but I am worried that the momentum and spirit of progressive change at UCI will end. For a while UCI seemed to have taken a step forward; I just hope we do not now see it take two steps backward!

If UCI wants to be a great research university, it should aggressively continue ensuring that the curriculum reflects not only Western perspectives, but also Eastern and Third World views. Also, steps toward the democratization of student affairs should be taken. I am especially concerned that we will see a decline in American Indians, African-Americans, Chicanos and Latinos among our student body, faculty and administrators. These ethnic groups are the most severely under-represented in higher education, particularly at UCI.


Jack Peltason would be wise to instruct his selection committee for Tien’s replacement to affirmatively recruit minority candidates for UCI’s No. 2 position. Concerned students will be watching and hope that the campus administration will, for a change, seek our involvement in the selection of our leadership.


