
Monterey Park : City Backs Spraying Protest

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Continuing its fight against aerial spraying of malathion, the City Council has agreed to let Monterey Park be listed in legal papers as backing Los Angeles’ suit to halt the spraying.

But at a meeting Monday night, the council rejected a proposal by Mayor Pat Reichenberger to contribute $2,000 to the legal fight.

“I think a lawsuit is going to go forward whether we participate or not,” said Councilman Chris Houseman, who said he is against malathion spraying but did not want to allocate the $2,000 or pay to have the city attorney attend meetings between Los Angeles and other cities on the malathion lawsuit.


Reichenberger tabled her proposal to adopt an ordinance similar to one recently passed by Pasadena that would ban formation helicopter flying less than 700 feet over the city.

The council also directed its staff to study methods of notifying residents about the aerial sprayings so they have time to protect cars and pets. City Manager Mark Lewis said state officials sometimes call him as late as 11:30 a.m. to say the city will be sprayed that same night.
