
Notes on a Scorecard - March 5, 1990

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I love college basketball. Always have. Always will. But now is the time to overhaul a system which is giving the sport the good name of, say, boxing. . . .

The players must be paid. They are some of the most successful fund raisers in America today. But they don’t get a penny from the universities. Until they are paid legally, many of them will continue to be paid illegally by alumni, boosters and gamblers. . . .

The players must be held responsible for their actions. Those who commit major violations of the rules should be punished instead of being given immunity for squealing. . . .


The NCAA should divide receipts from its tournament more evenly to lessen the fanatical emphasis on winning. . . .

Coaches should be given tenure. . . .

“If major steps aren’t taken, college basketball will not exist in the 21st century,” says authority Sonny Vaccaro. . . .

What was that about Charlie Whittingham losing his magic touch? . . .

Although the price wasn’t half as big, Ruhlmann’s victory in the Santa Anita Handicap Sunday was almost as surprising as that of Martial Law last year. . . .


Whittingham, the trainer, was one of the few who believed his speedball five-year-old could go the 1 1/4-mile distance. . . .

It would be foolish to second-guess Ron McAnally for running his champion mare Bayokoa against the colts. She simply didn’t run her race and would have lost to her own sex on this particular day. . . .

The trouble with Big ‘Cap Day is that there just isn’t enough time between races. . . .

Blueprints for a gymnasium behind Dedeaux Field on the USC campus, seating in the 8-10,000 range, are supposed to be ready within a few weeks. . . .


“There is still the matter of funding,” said Trojan Coach George Raveling, “but for the first time I’m confident that the facility will be built.” . . .

Watch out for Arizona in the NCAA Tournament. . . .

Now that the regular season has been completed, give Gary Payton of Oregon State a slight edge over Lionel Simmons of LaSalle as player of the year. . . .

However, Payton is the latest victim of the Sports Illustrated jinx. He was held to five points by Arizona Saturday after appearing on the magazine’s cover. . . .

Payton claimed he couldn’t get up for the game. Wonder how he will get up for 82 a season in the NBA. . . .

Coach of the year should be Kansas’ Roy Williams in a photo finish over Connecticut’s Jim Calhoun. . . .

Milwaukee Bucks assistant and former USC guard Mack Calvin, who was runnerup for the University of Colorado head coaching job the last time, is among the candidates to succeed Tom Miller. . . .


ESPN commentator Bill Raftery was on the mark when he said fouls below the hip shouldn’t be called. . . .

Take away injuries to Ron Harper and Gary Grant-and add several victories-and Clipper players wouldn’t be complaining about Don Casey. . . .

Funny, but the Atlanta Hawks are always griping about Mike Fratello, the coach Clipper owner Donald Sterling respects so much. . . .

Former Laker publicist Josh Rosenfeld has become the NBA’s first director of international public relations. . . .

What took the Boston Celtics so long to discover Michael Smith? . . .

It’s possible that Yugoslavia will field the only starting five made up entirely of NBA players in the 1992 Olympic Games. . . .

Look-alikes: Bo Schembechler and Lee Iaccoca. . . .

You knew it would be an easy Saturday night in London for Mark Breland when he knocked down Lloyd Honeyghan with a left jab in the first round. . . .


Pretty soon it will be as tough to get in the NFL playoffs as it is in the NBA and NHL. . . .

The rumor isn’t true that Don King holds an option on the next four fights of the Los Angeles Kings and Edmonton Oilers. . . .

News item: Baseball labor negotiations will resume today after a week’s hiatus. Reaction: What’s the rush?
