
San Quentin Death Vigil

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In making his decision about clemency for Harris (who is to be executed on April 3), Gov. George Deukmejian should consider two issues that have nothing to do with Harris himself: 1) if the governor permits the execution to be carried out, he will be a principal party in an act of violence; 2) he will be preparing the way for further acts of violence (i.e., executions).

Since there is no compelling evidence that capital punishment deters crime, one can say that executions are senseless violence. (When Canada abolished the death penalty in 1976, the homicide rate fell. After Florida reinstituted capital punishment in 1979, the homicide rate increased.) At the clemency hearing for Harris, Gov. Deukmejian should think about his obligation to help create a humane, peaceful society, one in which senseless violence has no place.


Huntington Beach
