
Pasadena Needs a Competitive Business Climate

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The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce has been closely following the city of Pasadena finance committee’s deliberations on the city’s budget for (fiscal year) 90-91.

At its last meeting on Feb. 21, the chamber’s budget review committee agreed on four recommendations, all of which are based on the chamber’s belief that the city’s business environment must continue to be competitive with surrounding communities in order to maintain economic stability for the benefit of all residents. Therefore, it behooves the city of Pasadena to keep its costs down by prudent and tough-minded fiscal management.

The following recommendations have been sent to the city Board of Directors for their consideration in the current budget deliberations:


1. Freeze next year’s operating budget at the current spending levels.

2. Maintain the current competitive advantage of our utility rates. Any increase in the rates should not be driven by General Fund needs.

3. We understand there are approximately 150 unfilled staff positions in the city for which funds have been appropriated. It is also our understanding most of these positions have gone unfilled for more than a year in many cases. We recommend that the city seriously consider eliminating most of these positions, thereby cutting an estimated $5 (million) to $7 million in proposed expenditures.

4. We also request that the board reconsider any tax or fee increases. A “hold-the-line” approach certainly serves the total community of Pasadena.


We have considered these items carefully and believe they are in the best interests of a strong, viable and competitive city of Pasadena.

ANN T. HIGHT, president


executive vice president

and chief executive officer

Pasadena Chamber of Commerce
