
Countywide : Information Line Set Up for Parks


The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy has established a toll-free telephone number to provide information about recreational opportunities in the Santa Monica Mountains.

The service, which started Wednesday, will be available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Operators who speak both English and Spanish are available. The number is 1-800-533-PARK.

Callers can get information on 104 parks and recreation areas, including Point Mugu, the Circle-X Ranch, Deer Creek, Franklin Canyon, Devils Canyon and Porter Ranch in Ventura County.


Information also covers wheelchair access, trails for the handicapped, Braille trails and campgrounds that meet the needs of small children.

“The unique thing is that no matter where you go or what you want to do, we can do it for you,” said Amy Lethbridge, director of education for the Conservancy.

The service was funded by a two-year state grant made available through the 1988 California Coastal Wildlife and Parkland Act.

The Conservancy also has a number for tips on where blooming wildflowers may be seen, 818-768-3533.
