
Rail Lines

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In response to “Easing Commuter Nightmares” (editorial, March 15):

The lack of leadership by Los Angeles city and county politicians (in contrast to their bretheren in Orange County) is appalling. If the May deadline set by the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific is missed, Angelenos stalled in traffic will ask why, and vote the pols out. The vocal and ignorant NIMBY (not in my back yard) types who oppose light rail are far outnumbered by residents who daily feel their lives ticking away in the endless traffic jams of the region. In fact, light rail is much quieter (and zero-polluting) than street and freeway traffic.

In San Diego, for example, a light rail line near your home is considered desirable. Communities compete to get these lines. NIMBYs, please come down to San Diego and ride the “red cars” and see what you’re missing.

Billions of productive hours (and dollars) are lost in the endless creep of traffic called the “commute.” Businesses leave the region, or will. Jobs are lost. Countless lives are shortened by the frustration and toxic smog. Those who have the means to leave the Los Angeles Basin will, and the region will stagnate. Politicians, be bold for a change--acquire the railroad rights of way! By 2000, L.A. could be moving again!



