
Record Signing


I was amazed that a potential riot situation prompted by a record signing session at the Wherehouse (Metro, March 22) did not, in fact, grow worse.

The popular British band Depeche Mode had agreed to sign autographs for its fans at the Wherehouse located on La Cienga in West Los Angeles. This record signing in itself was fine.

What tainted the signing was the continuous instigations by deejays, Richard Blade, Katie Manner and “The Poor man” who work for the radio station KROQ. At the time of the “riot,” I was listening to the live reports by Richard Blade (who was on the scene at the Wherehouse). Blade was doing the opposite in responsible reporting by continually repeating “this is a serious situation,” or “this is a potential riot.”


These actions, in my view, could only create more havoc and inevitably behoove additional young people to go to the record store and possibly make the situations worse.

Katie Manner and “The Poor man” did no better, in having kids yell into a microphone so their voices could be broadcast over the air, then continuing to give the address of the record store as if it were an invitation to join the chaos.

I’m all for on-the-scene reporting. However, on an unfortunate note, especially for the youngsters who listen to radio stations such as KROQ and are impressed with these stations, I believe the three deejays involved should realize they conducted themselves in a self-promoting and very unprofessional manner.


Los Angeles
