
Dannemeyer’s Stand Against Homosexuality


No matter how often I hear or read his words I still never cease to be amazed at how blatant Rep. William Dannemeyer is is his bigotry against gay men and lesbians.

He continually states right up front that he thinks heterosexual citizens should be treated better by the laws of this country than homosexual citizens. There is a word for his idea of lesser-class citizenship: discrimination.

Let me dispel one of Dannemeyer’s many misconceptions about gay men and lesbians. We are not, as he believes, merely asking for special privileges, social acceptance or even civil rights. We are challenging America to live up to its promises of equal protection and equal opportunity. As citizens, we expect it. As taxpayers, we insist on it. And as a member of the party of Lincoln, Dannemeyer shouldn’t oppose it!



Corona Del Mar
