
Ryan White’s Battle Against Ignorance, AIDS


The life struggle and death of Ryan White inspires everyone, touches everyone and silences one and all with respect. He is a genuine hero. My comments are directed to the multitude of sad-eyed newscasters and hypocritical politicians who made such a point of mourning this particular victim of AIDS. I am appalled by the double standard of compassion exhibited by the public. No, Ryan White never “deserved” what he got and he fought valiantly. Remember, however, he is one of the hundreds of thousands who have gone “quickly into the night.” Many victims of AIDS have had to keep their affliction a secret. Inevitably, they lost their jobs, their homes and most died without family near them.

How dare you, Joe Public, cry for only Ryan White! He was safe to mourn! Mourn for those dying daily, their deaths hastened by cancelled insurance, exorbitant, unreachable black-market drug prices and a federal policy that ignored the existence of AIDS because it was considered a “homosexual” disease.

We need a federal policy cognizant and sympathetic to the realities of testing HIV positive. And we all need to let the compassion and spirit that brings us together to mourn the passing of Ryan White open our eyes and hearts to the harsh reality of dying going on around us daily.



Los Angeles
