
Stealth Bomber


So now the Pentagon is telling us that the B-2 ‘Stealth Bomber’ may cost as much as $1.9 billion each if production is slowed down (Part A, April 4). The private military contractors and their cohorts in the Pentagon have grown lazy, fat and happy from 10 years of taxpayer-subsidized welfare for the rich.

It is a fact that under the Reagan-Bush presidencies the military budget has more than doubled while monies for social, welfare, education and public infrastructure programs have been slashed. The result: a grossly inefficient military-industrial complex, a huge federal deficit, an uneducated, complacent public, crumbling roads and an upsurge in government sleaze and corporate crime.

It is long overdue that these contractors and their government co-conspirators were held accountable for their crimes against the people. The last thing we need is another wasteful, inefficient use of taxpayer dollars.



Rancho Santa Margarita
