
Camper Kills a Man in Robbery Attempt

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A camper in Angeles National Forest north of Castaic fatally shot one of three men who allegedly attempted to rob him early Friday, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department reported.

The name and age of the man who was killed in the 2:20 a.m. shooting at a campground called Frenchman’s Flat was not released because his family had not been notified.

Deputies also declined to name the camper who fired the fatal shot.

Two brothers, Tony Sickler, 23, and Daniel Sickler, 26, of Sun Valley, were arrested on suspicion of robbery.


Deputies said the brothers could also be charged with the slaying.

The case will be presented to prosecutors Monday.

Deputy Bill Linnemeyer said the camper was alone at the campground located west of the Golden State Freeway between Castaic and Pyramid Reservoir when three men accosted him.

“The victim, fearing his life was in danger, armed himself with a handgun and shot one of the suspects,” Linnemeyer said. “The other two suspects fled.”

The injured man, shot once in the chest, was taken to Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Valencia.


He died shortly after arrival.

Linnemeyer said the other two men were captured near the campground.

The camper was not arrested after deputies determined he fired in self-defense, Linnemeyer said.
