
Countywide : 2 10K Walks Set to Aid Hunger Relief


Two 10K walks to benefit local and international hunger relief programs will be held Sunday in Fullerton and Orange.

The Church World Service and North Orange County congregations will hold a 10K walk at 1 p.m. Participants can register at the Fullerton Transportation Center, near the southeast corner of Harbor Boulevard and Commonwealth Avenue.

Part of the money raised will go to the Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Service. Last year’s walk raised about $16,000, according to organizers.


Walkers may pick up sponsor envelopes at the First United Methodist Church in Fullerton and other local churches. For more information, call (714) 871-4115.

Chapman College Chapel, meanwhile, will sponsor its eighth annual “Orange Walk for Hunger,” which is expected to raise about $10,000.

Registration begins at 1 p.m. at the Chapman College sunken lawn.

The 10K route winds through Old Towne, passing the local organizations that will receive 25% of the funds raised. Other funds will be donated to international relief and development agencies.
