
Contrary to what you might think, Elvis...

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Contrary to what you might think, Elvis lives at 49 addresses in L.A. That is, 49 dogs go by the Big E’s name, according to the latest survey by the Animal Regulation Department. It’s an even 50 if you count a mutt named, incredibly, Snoopy Elvis.

Of the city’s 215,929 registered hounds, 32 are named Zsa Zsa. Other celebrity noms de pooch include Bigfoot (26), Madonna (18), Lady Di (10), and Prince Charles (3).

But the city’s most popular dog names are somewhat more prosaic. Lady (with 2,513) ranks first, followed by Max (2,138), Brandy (1,753), Rocky (1,578), Duke (1,492), Bear (1,469), Princess (1,429) and Ginger (1,399).

Apricot Moose, Rocky Raccoon and Smut the Mutt (1 each) are tied for last.

License plate on a car spotted on Wilshire Boulevard: BYBYRTD. Driving in the bus lane, no doubt.


Noting that L.A.’s newly formed Tortilla Industry Assn. hopes to induce diners to use Mexican food in new and exciting ways, KFWB reporter Rik Espinosa called to say:

“I grew up on peanut butter and jelly burritos--I’m half Danish and half Mexican.”

In fact, Espinosa adds that the dish is even tastier “if you throw it into hot oil. Then you have a peanut butter and jelly chimichanga.”

Alice Appel, who noticed the accompanying sign on the southbound Roscoe off-ramp of the San Diego Freeway, wins the Caltrans Goof Sighting of the Week honors.


The short stories in “Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe,” though written in Chandler’s style, aren’t the equivalent of Elvis imitations. In fact, the authors, all established mystery writers, succeed often in conjuring up visions of pre-freeway, pre-mini-mall L.A.

In Dick Lochte’s “Sad-Eyed Blonde,” a character says: “He’s got a crummy little rat trap in Venice. On the canal.” (Let’s hope he didn’t sell it.)

A character in Jeremiah Healy’s “In the Line of Duty” pays the ultimate compliment to the now-closed L.A. Public Library: “. . . He could drop it into the middle of Boston and it wouldn’t even look out of place.”


And in “Malibu Tag Team” Jonathan Valin writes of the now-shuttered Olympic Auditorium: “On a good night, with a good card, the doorway would have been crowded with fans and reporters and a few well-dressed women with blood in their eyes, looking for one more bout to cap the evening.”

We reported the other day that “The Taking of Beverly Hills” is actually being shot in Mexico City on a mock-up of Rodeo Drive. Now comes an equally shocking report in Entertainment Weekly that “Scenes From a Mall,” which is set in the Beverly Center, was actually filmed at the Stamford, Conn., Town Center. Well, most of it. One scene in “Scenes” will have to be shot elsewhere because the Connecticut Mall doesn’t have a sushi bar.

Beverly Hills must have blood in its eyes by now.


The last time measurable snow fell at the L.A. Civic Center was Jan. 11, 1949.
