
NAMES IN THE NEWS : Paul Newman Charity Honored

<i> From Times Wire Services</i>

Actor Paul Newman and his charity food company have been cited in the Congressional Record for contributing millions of dollars to needy causes, it was disclosed Monday.

Newman and his company, Newman’s Own Inc., were cited by Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) “for making a major contribution to the local community and to the nation.”

Dodd entered the citation in the Congressional Record late Friday, said company spokeswoman Robin Waxenberg.


Newman, in a statement released Monday, said he was gratified to receive the citation, “but even more gratifying is being able to donate all our profits toward improving the quality of people’s lives.”

Since Newman established his business eight years ago with friend A. E. Hotchner, the company has given more than $27 million to various charities through sales of lemonade, spaghetti sauce, salad dressing and popcorn.
