
Jury Verdict on Hostage Issue


After much procrastination and hopes that The Times would expand on an article that was buried in the back of the first section, I feel that I must comment on what I contend to be an extremely troubling situation. An awkwardly worded sentence in the May 5 article states, “A federal jury decided Friday that a businessman was not lying when he said Reagan-Bush campaign officials asked Iranians not to free American hostages until after the 1980 presidential election.” This jury said that these officials were responsible for trying to delay the release of our hostages in Iran so that Ronald Reagan and George Bush might be elected to the highest offices in the country.

My query is as follows: Where is the demand for an answer from these officials? Why has the media (both television as well as print) not asked for this answer from former President Reagan and President Bush who were actively campaigning in this election? Where are the voices of these hostages whose incarceration may have been affected by these back-room dealings? And finally, am I the only citizen who feels enormous outrage at such arrogant and morally corrupt behavior?

I have read so many times that Reagan’s Teflon has worn thin since he gave up his throne. Perhaps this is so, but I for one sadly feel that it may be impenetrable and the citizens of this country will never know the truth. With the tremendous and perhaps irreversible damage our country has suffered during his presidency, I will never understand the protection he has enjoyed.



Los Angeles
