
Region : Cities Fight Over Quarry Use

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The El Monte City Council and the Arcadia Planning Commission are at odds over the future of an Arcadia rock quarry.

The Arcadia Planning Commission voted Tuesday to recommend that the quarry be used as an inert landfill for concrete and building material waste. That recommendation will be forwarded to the Arcadia City Council.

Meanwhile, the El Monte City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to appeal the Arcadia decision. El Monte officials say the landfill plan could contaminate their city’s water supply.


About 5,000 El Monte residents live within a 1,000-foot radius of the quarry, on Lower Azusa Road just west of the San Gabriel River. Because of the quarry’s proximity to the river, “whatever is put into that hole is going to get into the ground water,” El Monte City Atty. David Gondek said.

Bill Woolard, Arcadia’s director of planning, said public hearings and a full environmental impact report would be conducted.
