
Backs Publisher of The Monitor

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I want to congratulate Tim Waters for his article (Times, May 25) about Rancho Palos Verdes Mayor Mel Hughes trying to “gag” the publisher of the Monitor, Enrica Stuart. It is comforting to know that there are reporters around who will stand up and be counted!

The mayor said that Mrs. Stuart cannot be both a member of the press and a member of the public. That is nonsense. The mayor conveniently ignores that Mrs. Stuart wanted to address the council as a resident, not a press person; she told him so twice--I heard her.

The Monitor has been expressing the views of many residents on the Peninsula and has been the only newspaper, so far, with the spunk to take on City Hall. The paper has been publishing well-researched articles on the issues and everything is properly documented.


The Monitor’s articles have never gone into the personal and private lives of anyone, they stick to the issues. The fact that the information they print often differs from the double talk we get in City Hall is what makes it so valuable to the community.

I agree with Enrica, the mayor is a “bully,” particularly with women. I can vouch for that. I am one of the many victims of his rudeness and put-down.


Rancho Palos Verdes
