
PLATFORM : Not the Bad Guys

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<i> LIN McCOLLUM, a truck driver and member of Teamsters Local 208, was asked to comment on Mayor Tom Bradley's plan to ban trucks from Los Angeles-area streets and freeways during peak driving hours to reduce congestion. McCollum told the Times:</i>

To prohibit trucks from using city (streets) to make deliveries at certain times penalizes a handful of trucking companies but it also penalizes the whole city, which is geared the same way we are.

My employer would have to change our entire mode of operations for the metro area. Warehouse facilities and the merchants have certain schedules and they’re going to find it difficult to cope with this. There will be layoffs because some retailers are going to find other ways to get their freight.

When it comes to slowdowns, we’re the bad guys. When there is a truck accident it’s reported on the radio; but there may be six or seven automobile accidents that aren’t reported. When you see a truck laying sideways on the freeway, it might be the fault of a lackadaisical driver or perhaps a couple of cars cut the trucker off in the lane.


If this (proposal) goes through, people who use surface streets will realize there are no trucks, and they will jump on the freeway and your problem will not be solved.
