
Home Truths About Life in Two Big Cities


Your article on Californians who had moved to New York City was entertaining. I certainly could empathize with their feelings. I moved from Michigan to California and find similar circumstances.

I find it interesting that Californians consider themselves so “laid back” when the opposite appears true. I know very few mothers who don’t work either out of genuine financial necessity or to finance new, larger homes, private schools, health club memberships and new trendy cars (BMW, Mercedes) not to mention greater fashion selection and recreational toys.

The freeways go 65 m.p.h. or faster in this “laid back” land, where everyone seems in a hurry to get to the beach, tennis club, a luncheon date or ski weekend. Everyone has an answering machine so they won’t miss an opportunity to fill every square on their calendars with an activity, class, meeting or date. Every child is enrolled in every “opportunity” the parents can possibly find so he or she won’t miss a thing, get behind, or not have a leg up on the next kid.


In this “laid back” land, I see constant competition. So, I am shocked that a Californian would not think himself well-prepared for the move to N.Y.C., that he would find himself in an odd, fast-paced environment there.

However, I do agree on the level of conversation in N.Y.C. versus L.A. Who has time to read here?


