
Violence Involving Deputies


A statement by Sheriff Block in the story (Part A, May 27) about brutality in his department undermines both good government and good police work:

“Block said deputies who are sued repeatedly are not necessarily guilty of misconduct. ‘We’re not going to sacrifice deputies at the altar of public relations.’ ”

As a legalism on individual cases that first sentence is appropriate. However, as a generality, it indicates that Block does not recognize a flaming, brilliant red flag when it is brought to his attention. The second sentence indicates why Block will not recognize that smoke indicates a strong probability that there is a fire some place. It also denies the basic civilian governance of a democracy.


It is a shame that this important report by The Times will not have the impact of the television shots of Long Beach Police pushing an innocent man through a plate glass window. That shocking sight brought about a civilian review board for the Long Beach Police Department. The County and City of Los Angeles would have better police protection if we also had civilian review of those who are paid to protect us.


Los Angeles
