
CONEJO VALLEY : School District OKs $63.3-Million Budget

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The Conejo Valley Unified School District has tentatively approved a $63.3-million budget and reduced funding for programs such as remedial reading and performing arts.

The Board of Education cut about $427,000 from remedial reading, performing arts, laser electronics and athletic training programs because it needs the money for operating costs, officials said.

The programs will continue next year, although additional cuts are possible once the state budget is finalized later this summer, Supt. William R. Seaver said.


Seaver said he does not expect that the district will have to lay off any teachers or other workers.

“We don’t want to make cuts unless we have to,” said Sarah Hart, assistant superintendent for business services. “Since it’s unknown what the governor’s budget will be, we will continue to look at areas for potential savings.”

Hart said the budget does not include a raise for teachers. School and union officials are negotiating a new contract to replace one that will expire June 30.


The union, which represents the district’s more than 700 teachers, is seeking a one-year contract and pay parity with teachers in the Los Angeles district.

That would mean a pay raise of about 19% over what Conejo Unified teachers now earn.

“They’re going to have to get an increase and we’re trying to figure out ways to back up their salaries,” said William H. Henry Jr., a board member.

The board is scheduled to vote June 28 on the second reading of the tentative budget.

It will consider the final budget in late August.
