
Planning Ahead for a Thirsty County

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The editorial “Setting High Marks on Water” (June 12) praises San Clemente for its leadership in water rationing. Unfortunately, you overlooked the leadership of other South County water agencies that, through proper foresight and planning, have been able to avoid such a drastic step.

More than 10 years ago, several South County water agencies banded together to build the Allen-McColloch Pipeline to bring imported water to a growing portion of Orange County unable to rely on ground-water sources. Thanks to their foresight, even after four years of drought, these agencies have adequate supplies for their customers.

Orange County is a statewide leader in the use of reclaimed water, thanks again to the foresight of such South County water districts as Santa Margarita, Moulton Niguel and Irvine Ranch. Because of their pioneering, the many greenbelt areas of South County will be able to remain green in spite of the need for water rationing in other parts of the county and state.


Your conclusion was right: It makes no sense to wait until the well runs dry to institute tough conservation measures. But it also makes sense to plan ahead, to find and pioneer additional water sources to ensure that even if the well runs dry, there will be enough available to avoid rationing.


General Manager

Municipal Water District of Orange County
