
PLATFORM : It’s Still a Bargain

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If you took all the countries of Europe and cut them out and pasted them on the United States, they’d all fit within the confines of the U.S., right? Every one of these countries charges more than 30 cents for a stamp, yet their service is terrible. Canada, which is much bigger than the U.S., now charges 30 cents. My son lives in Toronto and when I go to see him, I tote his mail back to the United States to mail it because Canadian service is notoriously poor. So basically for 30 cents, you’re going to get a lot of good service.

Now, If they privatize the Postal Service, what would happen is that the best routes would be taken over by private industry. The Postal Service would be left delivering the mail between Oshkosh (Wis.) and the Aleutian Islands. The Postal Service would lose the cream of the business; they’d have to raise the rates. Some people argue that (the rate) is not a very great bargain if you’re mailing a local bill across the street. But if you mail something across the country, it’s a pretty good bargain.
