
Nelson Mandela’s Controversial Ties to Arafat, Kadafi and Castro

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Nelson Mandela, a leader of the African National Congress, leads the fight to abolish apartheid and liberate blacks in South Africa. Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, heads the struggle of the Palestinian people to rid themselves of brutal Israeli occupation and establish an independent Palestinian state.

Mandela’s organization was banned in South Africa until a few months ago. The PLO to this day is banned by Israel. Mandela, like Arafat, refuses to abandon violence as a last resort means of achieving liberation. Mandela, like Arafat, commands the treatment of a head of state in world capitals. Mandela addresses the United Nations in New York. Arafat is forced to address the U.N. in Geneva, because our government refuses to grant him a visa.

Mandela is treated to a ticker-tape parade in New York. Arafat is not even allowed to visit the Palestinian mission to the U.N. in New York. Mandela is granted the honor of addressing a joint session of Congress and meeting with the President in the White House. The same Congress has moved time and time again to prevent the U.S. from even speaking to the PLO.


Mandela has praised Arafat as a fellow freedom fighter and wholeheartedly supports the struggle of the Palestinian people against Israeli military occupation. Congressmen, their pockets full of contributions from the Israeli lobby, call Palestinian kids who throw stones at the occupying army “terrorists.”

When will our government abandon this blatant double standard and treat Arafat and his Palestinian movement with the respect afforded Mandela and the ANC?


Los Angeles
