
U.S. Administration Suspends Dialogue With Arafat’s PLO


Steven L. Spiegel reveals a frightening scenario evolving in the Middle East in his column “Lethal Threat Beyond Quick Fixes” (Commentary, June 22).

His revelation of chemical and biological weapons proliferation in terrorist states, bought with oil moneys, makes one wonder if our paying those moneys to them is really worth protecting our pristine view over our own oil-laden seas.

For the overall ozone layer, there can be no comparison. They care nothing about production pollution of the air. And as for the shipping of their oil to us, we have now seen that shipping oil is far more disastrous to our seas than our own production of it ever was. Millions of gallons spill from oil tanker accidents each week, as against the one Santa Barbara oil-rig spill over a decade ago that caused the increase in the tanker traffic that has decimated our seas, shores and fish populations.


Spiegel asks “what should we do?” Perhaps we should stop the oil money flow that buys the weapons and poison chemicals. Perhaps we are taking the wrong path to environmental purity!


Newport Beach
