
GRAYING: Since 1970, Orange County’s 65-and-older population...


GRAYING: Since 1970, Orange County’s 65-and-older population has grown amazingly fast. . . . In the 1970s, its size increased by 63%--the rest of the population by only 34%. In the 1980s, the ranks of seniors swelled by another 42%. They now number an estimated 228,451. . . . Demographers expect the growth to continue until all baby-boomers are at least 65--about the year 2029. . . . Other factors: Expensive housing has forced many younger people to leave or avoid Orange County and improved health care for seniors has extended their lives.

An Aging Orange County Percentage of population age 65 and older: 1970: 6.9% 1980: 8.3% 1990**: 9.7% 1995*: 10.2% *Projected **Estimated Source: U.S. Census Bureau
