
‘Ludicrous’ to See Harm From Cinema


The letter under the heading “A Vote for La Verne’s Small Town Character” (Times, July 8) inappropriately stated the issue as if the Edwards Cinema project would change the character of this fine city, and included more innuendo than fact.

As residents of La Verne, we have found our fellow residents to be strongly aware and proud of our small-town image, and diligent in working toward maintaining the city’s fine character. It is ludicrous to think any project could change the town--especially one that the actual facts show would be a benefit.

The suggestion that the 12-screen complex with 2,950 seats is too large misses totally the reality of economic practicality, as shown by market studies and the size of theaters in Azusa (3,218 seats, 10 screens) and Rancho Cucamonga (3,800 seats, 14 screens). Other facts to consider:


The La Verne Police Department states the complex will not significantly increase crime. Also, there will be two quality restaurants and security guards.

A traffic study shows theaters generate traffic after peak commuting hours and several screens aid traffic flow due to staggered starting and ending times. Further, there will be no access onto B Street, and the homes on that street will be buffered by more than 50 feet of landscaping, flood control channel and a street.

This project will assist La Verne to keep its quality character by providing tax revenues of about $100,000 per year to help pay for municipal services.

Two market surveys conducted by the Chamber of Commerce show residents in favor of the complex as the Edwards Theatres do not show X-rated movies and our citizens can enjoy good entertainment locally instead of having to leave the city for dinner out and a movie.

Further, when the Foothill Freeway extension is built, the business on Foothill Boulevard will need the draw of people to the boulevard.

Documents substantiating these facts are available at the La Verne City Hall for inspection. Many residents concerned with maintaining the fine small town character of this city understand it is best served by taking advantage of such opportunities as this and recognize the benefits to be gained for everyone. This project will only make our city stronger.



La Verne
