
Orange County’s Rep. Dannemeyer: Criticism and Applause


Re “Dannemeyer Enjoys Tilting at Windmills” (July 11): When I listen to Rep. William E. Dannemeyer, I am reminded of the famous quotation from the Joseph McCarthy hearings: “Have you no shame, sir?”

I have always wanted to believe that he is just a man with strong religious convictions. But his vote against the Americans With Disabilities Act portrays who he really is.

He is truly the modern-day Pharisee boldly proclaiming his self-righteousness with pride. When given the opportunity to assist the sick and needy, he turned his back with arrogance. He is blinded by his ill-directed convictions based on bigotry.


While the gay community demands justice and equality, he mocks the concept of liberty. While the gay community compassionately protects those who are ill, he exploits their condition for political posturing. While the gay community promotes human relationships and families based on love without condition, he divides families with Middle Age rhetoric.

Maybe neither of us is divine, but I would rather occupy the role of the Samaritan who was despised by the religious leaders of his day for being different, than the self-righteous Pharisee at the front of the temple.


