
Barr Strikes Out Singing the Anthem


My grandmother just lost her food stamps. The government took them away because her Social Security check increased $10 a month. She and her friends in the elderly project are just barely getting by.

Oh, and have you seen those homeless people out in the street? Literally millions of them there are--not a bite to eat. In the meantime, we, the fed, are being sold food in our markets that’s laced with cancer-causing pesticides. Hell, here in L.A., they have a quicker, new improved method: They spray the stuff right on us.

And how about all those folks with AIDS? Now and then, I swear I hear a politician mention that in a speech, but I suppose most of the big money goes to building those nuclear power plants--you know, the ones that leak plutonium into our soil, into our air.


For years I’ve been wondering just what it would take for Americans to get really angry. Now, I finally have my answer: Roseanne Barr. Congratulations, honey! Do you realize that you’ve succeeded in waking up a country of comatose, back-seat patriots? Quite a feat, I must say.

This is the type of patriotism that requires the least amount of time, energy, thought and true concern for the people of this country (who, incidentally, are the country. A flag is wonderful; a song is very nice, but the people are the country, right?) This is truly the fast-food equivalent of standing up for one’s nation.

If you care that much about the honor of America, why stand around screaming about an irreverent comedienne? Get out in the street and get your feet wet . . . or you’re wasting your breath. But hey, I’ve got things to do. Off with her head! Now, where did I put that darned Constitution?


Los Angeles
