
Full House: World events are making things...

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Compiled by Jill-Marie Jones

Full House: World events are making things difficult for Washington hotel managers. An example: Jordan’s King Hussein and his entourage had to stay at the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown last week during his hasty visit to Washington because management at the Park Hyatt thought it inappropriate for Hussein to stay there. It seems the Kuwaiti foreign minister, U.N. ambassador and their staff already had checked in.

Back to School: Officials at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming are getting some strange calls. According to park spokeswoman Marsha Karle, people are confusing Yellowstone with Yosemite National Park in California, which was closed temporarily last week because of fires. Yellowstone was devastated by fires almost two years ago, but Karle said all the attention on the Yosemite fires is causing people to confuse the two parks. Even a California reporter called to get a fire update. When Karle began explaining the rejuvenating results of the 1988 fires, the reporter realized she had missed her mark--by about 600 miles.

Do-Si-Do: Because square dancing “is as endemic to Illinois as the prairie plants that border our agricultural landscape,” Gov. James R. Thompson signed legislation Friday making it the official state dance. And, while he said “thousands of people enjoy square dancing, many on a regular basis,” he apparently isn’t one of them. When asked to join in a little promenade after the signing, which took place at the state fairgrounds in Springfield, Thompson said, “No, no, no.”


What’s Cooking? Want to be the first to know about an international crisis? It’s easy: Hang out at a few key Domino’s Pizza parlors. At least that’s what Frank Meeks, president of Domino’s Washington franchises, says. Business has been booming at outlets near the White House, Pentagon, State Department and CIA since the Mideast crisis began. Meeks said that the night before President Bush decided to send in the troops was a near-record pizza-eaters night.
