
CYPRESS : Candidate Takes Fund-Raising Lead

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City Council candidate Charles Hicks has gotten a jump on his opponents in the November race, at least when it comes to fund raising.

Hicks, who announced his intention to run last year, has raised more than $2,500, according to campaign disclosure forms. He was the only candidate to file the forms.

“It is important” to get organized early, Hicks said. He already has held two fund-raisers and is considering another in October, he said.


Hicks’ major contributors include Warland Investment of Santa Monica, which gave $1,000, and Cypress Homes of Newport Beach, which gave $250.

Some of the other candidates, including John Standiford and Joyce Nicholson, are still organizing their campaigns.

Nicholson is known for her work with Concerned Citizens of Cypress, the group instrumental in shaping the development of the Los Alamitos Race Course, but she said she is not going to depend on name recognition.


“I can’t rely on name identification,” said Nicholson, a real estate agent. “When I decided to do this, I decided to go all out.” She is planning a fund-raiser for the end of next month, she said.

Standiford said he plans to take a less formal approach. “I am trying to raise money on a more informal basis, hopefully without an event.”

Mayor Cecilia L. Age, who set an all-time fund-raising record in 1988, said it is no surprise that most of the candidates are less aggressive about fund raising this year. “I don’t foresee anyone putting up that kind of money,” said Age, referring to her $25,000 campaign fund. “Most of the main issues have been solved.”


Incumbent Walter Bowman said he has no plans to run an all-out campaign and instead will rely on friends and support he has gained in the last year.

Candidates Richard Partin and Judith Pineda also said they will be running a low-key race. Partin said he will knock on doors, put out posters and then wait to “see if I can’t win.”

Said Pineda: “I have 10 grandkids, and they all want to do signs. We are going to put them out.”
