
Artists Too Pay Taxes


Re Fountain Valley artist Steve Husting and his letter about the National Endowment for the Arts (Aug. 18), in which Husting argued that lack of government support should not impede an artist’s creativity:

Perhaps you have missed the point, Mr. Husting, or maybe you should have your artistic license revoked.

Artists are taxpayers, and as taxpayers we have every reason to insist on having a portion set aside for the development of art (unrestricted) in this country. Even though it’s only 68 cents per taxpayer, it should be without condition.


But the real Big Point is censorship, Steve, not money. The current administration would like all of us to quibble over the 68 cents, because it would make it much easier to slip in restrictions, and not allow us to scream at the indecency of censorship, and the blatant marriage of church and state that is now governing this country.

But do you care?

From the statements made, it sounds like you cut off your artistic liberty yourself and, like a eunuch, are now ashamed of creative artists taking a stand for freedom, liberty and the right to free self-expression.


Costa Mesa
