
Sweetheart, Get Me Jerry Weintraub’s Agent


I am grateful to Warner Bros. Chairman Robert Daly and President Terry Semel for helping to redefine the criterion by which one gets a good executive position in the entertainment industry, “Jerry Weintraub Quits His Firm, Joins Warner” (Sept. 25).

I hope it’s not too late for those of us who are crying all the way to the poorhouse to learn a lesson from Mr. Weintraub. (Weintraub Entertainment, about $175 million in debt, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.)

If we could just arrange to lose $175 million of other people’s money, we would become eminently employable.


I wonder if this is the same system that worked so well in the deregulated banking industry. What was it again? Putting a fox in the henhouse?

Thanks for a hilarious read.


Los Angeles
