
Jury Verdicts in Cincinnati, Ft. Lauderdale


In reference to your editorial “Ugly Lyrics, Beautiful Principle” (Oct. 5), you stated that acceptable restrictions on speech are limited to national security and malicious libel. If only you would print the words to the songs that 2 Live Crew wrote and let your readers decide if the judgment was correct in that Florida court. The description of rape and beating of women in their songs should not be labeled as just controversial but sick.

For society to hold on to what values it has left, it must determine how far one can go with freedom of speech. As time goes on, individuals will continue to push the line of “acceptable,” further desensitizing society. All forms of behavioral consequences of such desensitization are starting to appear from drive-by shootings to the sadistic violence against a Central Park jogger last April. Where should the line be drawn? It’s obvious that The Times has no idea.


Santa Monica
