
LOCAL : Quayle Arrives for Fund-Raiser

<i> From Times Staff and Wire Service Reports</i>

Vice President Dan Quayle arrived here today, greeting hundreds of developmentally disabled children and teen-agers before going on to a fund-raiser for Dan Lungren, the Republican candidate for state attorney general.

After a fund-raiser breakfast in Los Angeles for Assemblyman Curt Pringle (R-Garden Grove), Quayle flew in Air Force II to the Marine Corps Air Station in El Toro, arriving about 10:45 a.m.

Quayle spent a minute at the bottom of the portable stairway greeting Winston, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department drug-sniffing dog that was recently retired from service. Then he walked a line of about 500 developmentally disabled children and their teachers, who had been invited through Irvine’s Harvest Festival, shaking hands and stopping to chat along the way.


He told reporters that the electorate is in an unpredictable mood this year, “one of frustration and cynicism.” When asked about California’s proposed term limits for legislators, Quayle noted that the President is limited to two terms and that such limits should be extended to senators and representatives.

“What’s good for the President is good for the Congress,” he said before departing in a motorcade for the Lungren fund-raiser at the Beverly Heritage in Costa Mesa. Friday, Quayle is scheduled to appear at another fund-raiser in Los Angeles for Republican gubernatorial candidate Pete Wilson.
